2011年8月18日 星期四

Do you have what it takes to build a startup?

Many might think this is too hard because not a whole lot of people are doing this. While the rest might think it's easy because they see all sorts of technology offerings in the market and it doesn't seem not too hard to build them. My take on this it really depends but the first thing is to get your mindset in the right position. I suggest:

  • Be active and reach out. You might be a rookie but people will admire your spirit if you try hard.
  • Be communicative. An awesome idea is worthless if you can't convince anyone into believing it. Try to pitch the idea to people close to you, like friends and familiy members. If they can't grasp the concept you need to try harder.
  • Always question yourself. Sometime an idea can spawn spontaneously without any supporting evidence. Do yourself a favor, before dive into the implementation you should spend some time to make sure it's what the market wants.
  • Be patient. Nothing is free and available around the corner when there are people involved. Frustration can easily set in if things do not happen as expected. Rinse and restart but never give up.
  • Be self-disciplined. The timeline can potentially drag on forever if you are in total control of what to do and deliverable. Try to think as you are your own employee and ask more from yourself.
  • Relax and have fun. Regardless if you succeed in the end. If you tried hard in the process you won't walk away empty-handed.

These are couple of things off the top of my head. Welcome to contribute your experiences.



  • 積極投入跟多出去跑,創業靠的就是人際。
  • 學會溝通能力,自己的Idea要至少能說服身邊的人
  • 不斷質疑自己的點子究竟有沒市場價值,最快的方法是問你的使用群。
  • 有耐心一點,有些事情超過自己掌握不要急。
  • 保持自律,對自己要求嚴格如要求員工。不然時間很快就拖過了。
  • 放輕鬆跟找到趣味之處,有努力過必有收穫。

2 則留言:

  1. 多謝分享,還要要快點找到『Product-Market Fit』;)

  2. 這篇意旨討論基本心態,PMF跟MVP我想留下一篇深談。
